> To put it in algebraic terms, "FOO" expands to a vote.  The
> multiplication multiplies the number of votes.  I don't see what's
> ambiguous about that.
The fact that FOO might not be a constant. It's ambiguous whether you're 
multiplying the result of the expansion of one mention of FOO, or if you're 
generating 5 separate copies of FOO, which isn't even a vote.
Let me expand BobTHJ's sell ticket literally, fixing the grammar:
"[I] post[ing] a Sell
Ticket with a cost of 5VP and vot[e/ing] to endorse the filler of that
ticket x5"
Notice where the x5 ends up after the expansion. That looks awfully to me like 
voting x5, based on one Sell Ticket.
The ambiguity is in whether the SELL(5VP) or the x5 is expanded first. You seem 
to think the x5 is expanded first, but I still can't see any evidence for this 


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