On Tuesday 24 June 2008 1:24:01 Alexander Smith wrote:
> There seems to have been quite a bit of paradox theft recently,
> so I've come up with this to try to clamp down on it.
> Proto: Boring Paradoxes (AI=3, II=1)
> {{{{
> Amend rule 2110 to the following:
> {{{
>       A tortoise is an inquiry case for which the question of veracity
>       is UNDECIDABLE.
>       A tortoise is Boring if and only if at least one of the
>       following conditions holds:

>                                                      Each such winner
>       SHALL also submit a proposal that causes all such tortoises to
>       become Boring.

Probably better to say "that, if adopted, would cause". Just in case.

Alternatively, keep the "substantially the same paradox" wording and
make this a condition for Boringness:
         - it is about substantially the same paradox as another
           tortoise that was initiated before it was

This would prevent the kind of immediate paradox plagiarism we've
recently seen (adopting proposals incorporates a significant delay;
a copycat CFJ called (say) half an hour after its original is called
will likely be able to duck the cutoff by proposal.

In fact, I think it may be possible to spam wins, subject to the rule
on excess CFJs. Calling 5 highly similar CFJs five minutes before the
end of the week and 5 more ten minutes later would possibly create ten

Of course, if you bribed (or were) the CotC, there would be no limit.


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