Murphy wrote in a-b:
> Proto-Proposal:  Defend the judiciary
> (AI = 2, please)
> Amend Rule 2158 (Judicial Questions) by inserting this paragraph after
> the paragraph containing "A judgement is valid and/or appropriate only
> as defined by the rules.":
>       In the interest of defending the judicial system as a paragon of
>       virtue, unfairly self-interested judgements are never appropriate,
>       rules to the contrary notwithstanding.
NttDF? (What happens if you send a proto to a-b, anyway?)

This is probably needed, but it would have put me in quite a quandry when
it came to CFJ 1932; root asked for that judgement, you see (it was eir
idea, although I helped em improve the wording a bit) and as far as I
could tell, it would be inequitable to judge anything but what the parties
wanted. (Presumably, root drafted it for my benefit, because e thought
that if e had drafted it for someone else's benefit I'd have been less
likely to judge it. I was certainly willing to go along with the scam once
I saw what it was, but am not sure if the rules would have allowed me to
do anything else.) I have tried to judge appropriately on each CFJ that
has been assigned to me, though (apart from the REMAND/REASSIGN thing on
CFJ 1937a, which was due to me misunderstanding the rules; if I were
trying to continue the scam, I would have tried to persuade the other
judges in that appeal to judge OVERRULE/TRUE, and ehird might have done
given that e later tried the same scam emself). I have also not filed
criminal cases even when I could have done (in one case I filed an
inquiry case instead); I am not really in favour of unfair punishment.

Nevertheless, many players seem to have blamed root's scam on me,
presumably because I am one player who would have benefitted from it.
Certainly, I ended up being barred from a lot of CFJs after that. It's
slightly disappointing, but not unexpected.

What would other players have done if that CFJ had instead have been
assigned to them rather than me, and root had made the same offer? I
suppose this proto of Murphy's would allow them to now turn down the
offer without breaking the rules.


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