comex wrote:
>* At least one of the votes in root's message with message-id

Rubbish.  CFJ 1434 is about using the expiration of the grace period
as the event that starts a time-limited obligation.  If that expiration
occurs during a holiday then the holiday rule extends the time limit on
the resulting obligation.  That is, the expiration of the grace period
can be the "another event" in the clause "requires that a Player perform
some action within some time of another event".  The holiday rule does
*not* postpone the expiration of the grace period.

In the present case, we have the voting period on proposals.  There's
nothing in CFJ 1434 to support the holiday rule altering voting periods
that end within a holiday.  However, the assessor's obligation to report
results asap after the voting period *is* subject to the holiday rule.
Since the voting period ended within the holiday, the assessor is not
obliged to publish the results until a week after the holiday ends.


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