On Saturday 22 December 2007 23:24:16 Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I CFJ on the following statement (criminal case):  comex has violated
> Rule 2149 in his communication of voting on proposal 5375.
> Arguments:  comex has stated specifically in the past that e does not
> believe that e has huge numbers of ordinary votes, nor would any reasonable
> person.  So e has made a false representation of eir voting power with
> a demonstrated lack of belief in eir truthfulness on the matter.  If
> found guilty, I request that eir repeat offenses and lack of respect
> for recordkeepors in light of eir own laziness in looking up records
> be brought into account during sentencing.
> Evidence:
> On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, comex wrote:
> >> 5375  O1  1    root        Mother, May I Limit Partnerships?
> > AGAINST*1048576 because I don't like the title:)
> -----END CASE 1------------------------------------------------
> I CFJ on the following statement (criminal case):  comex has violated
> Rule 2149 in his communication of voting on proposal 5380.
> Arguments:  comex has stated specifically in the past that e does not 
> believe that e has huge numbers of ordinary votes, nor would any reasonable
> person.  So e has made a false representation of eir voting power with
> a demonstrated lack of belief in eir truthfulness on the matter.  If
> found guilty, I request that eir repeat offenses and lack of respect
> for recordkeepors in light of eir own laziness in looking up records
> be brought into account during sentencing.
> Evidence:
> On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, comex wrote:
> >> 5380  O1  1    Goethe      Public Partnerships I
> > AGAINST*1048576

Shall the Officers of Agora bring out the gallows?

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