On 04/16/2013 09:26 PM, Grant Street wrote:

> I understand that getting a good backup is the most important, but
> when you offer a feature  that is "best efforts" with no way to
> verify, why have the feature?

Your conceptualization of the "feature" is inverted from the
conceptualization under which it was implemented.

I view collocation as a tool to "Keep data from a given node in physical
proximity, to reduce mount latency at restore time". Any of you who have
attempted to service restores from a large pool of uncollocated data
(raises hand) would see this as the primary purpose of the tool, too.
(mutter mutter read docs).  There:  'help def stg':

Collocation reduces the number of sequential access media mounts for
restore, retrieve, and recall operations.

So collocation accomplishes that feature goal quite well;  and since the
goal is to "improve" locality of reference, not 'make perfect' or such,
no alert is required when we spill over.

- Allen S. Rout

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