
If you care to script, do daily:

Select new volumes assigned to pools in last 24 hours.
(Maybe search actlog for ANR1340I messages.)

Filter for volumes in pools with collocate (NODE or GROUP).

For each volume check volumeusage for any nodes that do not belong.
Assume the first node belongs.

Report those volumes as candidates for move nodedata.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Grant 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 7:40 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Collocation anomaly report


We use collocation to segment data into collocation groups and nodes, but 
recently found that collocation is on a "best efforts" basis and will use any 
tape if there is not enough space.

I understand the theory behind this but it does not help with compliance 
requirements. I know that we should make sure that there are always enough free 
tapes, but without any way to know we have no proof that we are in compliance.

I have created an RFE
. Please vote if you agree:-)

While I wait a more than two years for this to be implemented, I was wondering 
if anyone had a way to report on any Collocation anomalies?
I created the following but still not complete enough

select volume_name, count(volume_name) as "Nodes_per_volume" from (select 
Unique  volume_name , volumeusage.node_name from volumeusage, nodes where 
nodes.node_name = volumeusage.node_name and nodes.
collocgroup_name is null) group by (volume_name) having count
(volume_name) >1


select unique volume_name, count(volume_name) as "Groups_per_volume"
from (select Unique  volume_name ,  collocgroup_name from volumeusage, nodes 
where nodes.node_name = volumeusage.node_name ) group by
(volume_name) having count(volume_name) >1

Thanks in advance


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