I understand that getting a good backup is the most important, but when
you offer a feature that is "best efforts" with no way to verify, why
have the feature?
TSM will use "best efforts" to do a backup of a client.
As you know there are times when for one reason or another a backup
cannot be done.
Imagine now, TSM does not give you a way to report if the backup
succeeded, if it generated an error or when it started the backup?
That is what happens when it fails to collocate, there is no report, it
does not generate an error, warning or information message nor does post
a message to any log that it has had to resort to non collocation.
Does that make sense?
I will need to look at the implications of splitting it out based on
domains, thanks for the heads up.
On 17/04/13 10:15, Nick Laflamme wrote:
If you absolutely need for nodes to be isolated on their own media, why aren't
they in their own individual domains which point to their own storage pools,
all of which might share a library?
Frankly, I like that TSM will override collocation preferences when its at
MAXSCR for volumes in a pool.
Just a thought,
On Apr 16, 2013, at 6:40 PM, Grant Street <gra...@al.com.au> wrote:
We use collocation to segment data into collocation groups and nodes,
but recently found that collocation is on a "best efforts" basis and
will use any tape if there is not enough space.
I understand the theory behind this but it does not help with compliance
requirements. I know that we should make sure that there are always
enough free tapes, but without any way to know we have no proof that we
are in compliance.