
We use collocation to segment data into collocation groups and nodes,
but recently found that collocation is on a "best efforts" basis and
will use any tape if there is not enough space.

I understand the theory behind this but it does not help with compliance
requirements. I know that we should make sure that there are always
enough free tapes, but without any way to know we have no proof that we
are in compliance.

I have created an RFE
. Please vote if you agree:-)

While I wait a more than two years for this to be implemented, I was
wondering if anyone had a way to report on any Collocation anomalies?
I created the following but still not complete enough

select volume_name, count(volume_name) as "Nodes_per_volume" from
(select Unique  volume_name , volumeusage.node_name from volumeusage,
nodes where nodes.node_name = volumeusage.node_name and nodes.
collocgroup_name is null) group by (volume_name) having count
(volume_name) >1


select unique volume_name, count(volume_name) as "Groups_per_volume"
from (select Unique  volume_name ,  collocgroup_name from volumeusage,
nodes where nodes.node_name = volumeusage.node_name ) group by
(volume_name) having count(volume_name) >1

Thanks in advance


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