Hi Jane The new cleaning tape seems to have an incorrect barcode. Normally, you have 6 characters + the generation of LTO (in this case L1, though L1 cleaning cartridges are used for all LTO generations). In your case, it's 7 characters + L1.
A correct barcode label for a cleaning cart should be CLNxxxL1 where CLN should be the part of the barcode label telling the library that it's a cleaning cart and the xxx just about anything. Regards Daniel Från: "Baker, Jane" <jane.ba...@clarks.com> Till: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Datum: 2009-06-30 15:38 Ärende: Query on ultrium cleaning cartridges Sänt av: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> Library type: TS3500. TSM: 5.4 Server & clients. Cleaning cartridge part number:35L2086 for use with Ultrium 1,2,3 & 4 drives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- We have ordered some cleaning cartridges, they are IBM tapes but from a business partner, the labels were very shiny and the scanner on our TS3500 refused to acknowledge them in the I/O slot and check them in. I found an IBM technote about shiny labels and sent this to our procurement people and they got the labels swapped to less shiny backing. However, I've received them through today and they still won't scan, does anybody know the exact barcode format that the labels should be, for example one is labelled CLNU030L1, IBM notes say 8 characters should be ok. Does the L1 classify in this? However, our previous labels which were CLNU00L1 read ok? should the first section of the barcode starting CLNU match on both tapes if the same format is used? I'm wondering if they haven't used the correct barcode format for the barcodes as they look different between these two tapes at the beginning of the barcode label. Any ideas? Has anyone come across this, I'd be grateful for any info. Cheers, Jane. Please check that this email is addressed to you. If not, you should delete it immediately as its contents may be confidential and its disclosure, copying or distribution unlawful. C. & J. Clark International Limited takes steps to prevent the transmission of electronic viruses but responsibility for screening incoming messages and the risk of such transmission lies with the recipient. C. & J. Clark International Limited Trading as Clarks Registered in England number 141015. Registered office 40 High Street, Street, Somerset. BA16 0EQ. England. This message has been scanned for viruses by BlackSpider MailControl - www.blackspider.com