
I've been playing with the Journal based backups on aix. I've installed
the 5.4 (and before that the 5.3.4) client and tried to start the
tsmjbbd but:

statx("/usr/lib/nls/loc/uconvTable/ISO8859-1", 0x2FF1DEE0, 76, 0) = 0
access("/en_US/dsmclientV3.cat", 04)            Err#2  ENOENT
access("/en_US/dsmclientV3.cat", 04)            Err#2  ENOENT
kioctl(1, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)        = 0
ANS0101E Unable to open English message repository 'dsmclientV3.cat'.
kwrite(1, " A N S 0 1 0 1 E   U n a".., 70)     = 70
Process initialization error.
kwrite(1, " P r o c e s s   i n i t".., 30)     = 30
kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x1014C0AD)                  = 67110914
kfcntl(2, F_GETFL, 0x1014C0AD)                  = 67110914

As you can see, the tsmjbbd is looking for the dsmclientV3.cat file in
some odd place. IBM support is unable to reproduce the problem, and thus
unwilling to help me (I keep on wondering what these people do for the
tons I pay them?). Has anybody ever seen this? We're on AIX 5.3....

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to
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