On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 07:07 -0700, Andrew Raibeck wrote:
> Hi Remco,
> It is possible that this is related to the environment variables, as
> Richard suggested.
> > IBM support is unable to reproduce the problem, and thus
> > unwilling to help me
> Wow, I am sorry that this is the impression. I reviewed your PMR, and it
> looks like IBM support was trying to reach you for a few weeks, but were
> unable to do so. The last major update I noted was a request for
> additional environmental information from your system. So I do not think
> it is lack of interest, but an unfortunate disconnect in communications
> (though I do not know where the breakdown occurred).

I've told IBM support that this was low-prio, I've been away on a short
holiday and quite busy. It is true that they finally decided that
absence of my responses during my holiday caused them to close the call
(and the mails being tagged as spam didn't help either :( ). Not
withstanding, they were never very forthcoming in trying to help me
solve this.

> If you re-open, let me know, and I'll touch base with the support engineer
> to let them know you have re-opened, just to "close the loop".

I've told Freddy that I would if I found the time to investigate. I've
had a few minutes yesterday. I really don't wat to reopen until I have a
serious amount of time on my hands to properly investigate.

> Best regards,
> Andy
> Andy Raibeck
> IBM Software Group
> Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
> Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:
> http://www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTivoliStorageManager.html
> The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
> The command line is your friend.
> "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 01/31/2007
> 04:53:01 AM:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been playing with the Journal based backups on aix. I've installed
> > the 5.4 (and before that the 5.3.4) client and tried to start the
> > tsmjbbd but:
> >
> > statx("/usr/lib/nls/loc/uconvTable/ISO8859-1", 0x2FF1DEE0, 76, 0) = 0
> > access("/en_US/dsmclientV3.cat", 04)            Err#2  ENOENT
> > access("/en_US/dsmclientV3.cat", 04)            Err#2  ENOENT
> > kioctl(1, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)        = 0
> > ANS0101E Unable to open English message repository 'dsmclientV3.cat'.
> > kwrite(1, " A N S 0 1 0 1 E   U n a".., 70)     = 70
> > Process initialization error.
> > kwrite(1, " P r o c e s s   i n i t".., 30)     = 30
> > kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x1014C0AD)                  = 67110914
> > kfcntl(2, F_GETFL, 0x1014C0AD)                  = 67110914
> > _exit(-1)
> >
> > As you can see, the tsmjbbd is looking for the dsmclientV3.cat file in
> > some odd place. IBM support is unable to reproduce the problem, and thus
> > unwilling to help me (I keep on wondering what these people do for the
> > tons I pay them?). Has anybody ever seen this? We're on AIX 5.3....
> >
> > --
> > Met vriendelijke groeten,
> >
> > Remco Post
> >
> > SARA - Reken- en Netwerkdiensten                      http://www.sara.nl
> > High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 3000    Fax. +31 20 668 3167
> > PGP Key fingerprint = 6367 DFE9 5CBC 0737 7D16  B3F6 048A 02BF DC93 94EC
> >
> > "I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the
> > computer industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the
> > computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to
> > end." -- Douglas Adams
Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

SARA - Reken- en Netwerkdiensten                      http://www.sara.nl
High Performance Computing  Tel. +31 20 592 3000    Fax. +31 20 668 3167
PGP Key fingerprint = 6367 DFE9 5CBC 0737 7D16  B3F6 048A 02BF DC93 94EC

"I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the
computer industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the
computer industry didn't even foresee that the century was going to
end." -- Douglas Adams

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