Rating: 8

I have found TSM to be an excellent product.
We are running >700 Nodes, and upgrading to a SAN architecture so we can
keep growing/take advantage of the LAN free approach.

The only reasons it doesn't get a 10 are;
- It is quite complicated when you first look in. I think it's roots
in the IBM large systems world has made it's mark.
This negative has a positive, as it needs to have flexibility and many
features/flags to maintain a large, potential complex environment.
The GUI tools are quite good now though (even though I have learnt the
command line :)

- Getting reporting summaries out of the database can be a pain. There
are lots of ways of getting stuff but you end up hacking a lot of SQL.
Other information, that you would think is important, doesn't seem to
be accessable or can take a lot of effort on the server to get.
We are getting the Decision Support package to, hopefully, get us
ready-made information for the suits.

You might want to look at the availability of the Data Protection for
Applications you are running that takes advantage of the SAN environment.

Cheers, Suad

> We are a pretty large unix shop (5 Terrabytes to backup nightly) and are using some 
>HP Omniback and a lot of Veritas Netbackup.  Mostly HP-UX.
> We have a large Lotus Notes Rel 5 implementation on AIX (600 gig on its way to 1.2 
> We are studying robot technology and SAN's.
> Tivoli is selling and Netbackup is trying to stay in the shop.
> How good do you rate TSM on a scale of 1 to 10.  (10 being best).
> Would you definately buy it again, or would you shop around.
> My gut feeling is that everybody has some complaints with their backup solution.
> Lynn Sattler
> Dana Corp
> Toledo Oh

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