A lot of it depends on what you are trying to do.
People who really just want a fancier, easy to use dump/restore program are
generally not happy with TSM, because it isn't just a dump/restore product.
It's more complicated than a dump/restore product, which it should be
because it does a lot more.
People like me who have done storage management for many years in different
enviroments and know where the holes are in your standard dump/restore tape
rotation schemes LOVE the product because it CLOSES the holes. It REALLY
does storage management, not just dump/restore.
Ditto for TSM's disaster recovery features. People who understand what it
REALLY takes to do full disaster recovery love the product. People who
don't want to be bothered learning what it takes to do full disaster
recovery don't like TSM because it's something they have to learn. (Notice
here that the problem is not that TSM is too complicated - it's that the
principles are complicated. There is NOTHING more complicated in IT than
disaster recovery.)
So it depends on where you are. If all you want is a dump/restore program,
stick with a cheaper, simpler product. Some installations never get
sophisticated enough or have management support to get any further than
that. If you really want to do storage management, and disaster recovery
planning, buy TSM.
We would buy it again, because it really does what is needed. Rate it 8-9.
My opions and nobody else's,
Wanda Prather
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sattler, Lynn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 10:11 AM
> Subject: Would you buy TSM again.
> We are reconsidering our backup software.
> We are a pretty large unix shop (5 Terrabytes to backup nightly) and are
> using some HP Omniback and a lot of Veritas Netbackup. Mostly HP-UX.
> We have a large Lotus Notes Rel 5 implementation on AIX (600 gig on its
> way to 1.2 Terrabytes).
> We are studying robot technology and SAN's.
> Tivoli is selling and Netbackup is trying to stay in the shop.
> How good do you rate TSM on a scale of 1 to 10. (10 being best).
> Would you definately buy it again, or would you shop around.
> My gut feeling is that everybody has some complaints with their backup
> solution.
> Lynn Sattler
> Dana Corp
> Toledo Oh