Been in the industry for more than 18 years, and especially in the storage and
backup/recovery business for more than 7 years... I have seen,
tested and worked on a lot different storage products here in the States and abroad,
so here are the answers to yr questions:
How good do you rate TSM on a scale of 1 to 10. (10 being best) ?
I will give TSM a 9.4 because I believe it is the best available storage solution in
its category... as you can see I use the word "solution" and
not program or package, because TSM is a solution... you just have to do your homework
and put it to work as most appropriate for yr environment.
9.4 because I believe there is still room for improvement... always...
We just finished a 6.8 TB TSM / SAN (Fibre/1Gb Ether) solution and it worked
like a "swiss clock", and most important... it worked the
first time (no reinstallations, no reconfigurations, no voodoo) , the only special
thing that I did was... to read the manual and instructions
line by line.
Would you definitely buy it again, or would you shop around ?
Yes, I would buy it again... most definitely... and for various reasons, but
especially for the functionality, scalability, and support.
Good luck on yr decision.
"Sattler, Lynn" wrote:
> We are reconsidering our backup software.
> We are a pretty large unix shop (5 Terrabytes to backup nightly) and are using some
>HP Omniback and a lot of Veritas Netbackup. Mostly HP-UX.
> We have a large Lotus Notes Rel 5 implementation on AIX (600 gig on its way to 1.2
> We are studying robot technology and SAN's.
> Tivoli is selling and Netbackup is trying to stay in the shop.
> How good do you rate TSM on a scale of 1 to 10. (10 being best).
> Would you definately buy it again, or would you shop around.
> My gut feeling is that everybody has some complaints with their backup solution.
> Lynn Sattler
> Dana Corp
> Toledo Oh