I have worked with ADSM since V1...

It has got markedly better since V3, both Server and Client
8 out of 10

NetBackup is a very good product however - I agree with Kelly, you should
look at the pros and cons for each product

For example if time is a constraint NetBackup can help with multiplexed
backups, many sessions to the same tape at the same time - very fast.

The ADSM / TSM Server is very solid - I have always been able to restore the
server environment following a disk crash or whatever.

NetBackup is easier to administer - but it doesnt have the strength in depth
of ADSM / TSM especially the Server functions - but it does do its "bread
and butter" functions very well.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sattler, Lynn [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 10:11 AM
> Subject:      Would you buy TSM again.
> We are reconsidering our backup software.
> We are a pretty large unix shop (5 Terrabytes to backup nightly) and are
> using some HP Omniback and a lot of Veritas Netbackup.  Mostly HP-UX.
> We have a large Lotus Notes Rel 5 implementation on AIX (600 gig on its
> way to 1.2 Terrabytes).
> We are studying robot technology and SAN's.
> Tivoli is selling and Netbackup is trying to stay in the shop.
> How good do you rate TSM on a scale of 1 to 10.  (10 being best).
> Would you definately buy it again, or would you shop around.
> My gut feeling is that everybody has some complaints with their backup
> solution.
> Lynn Sattler
> Dana Corp
> Toledo Oh

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