On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 12:01 AM, Edward Ned Harvey
<solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
> Ok guys, can we please kill this thread about commodity versus enterprise 
> hardware?
> Let's agree on one thing:  Some people believe commodity hardware is just as 
> good as enterprise systems.  Other people do not believe that.  In both 
> situations, the conclusion has been reached based on personal experience.  (I 
> am one of the latter, and I have specific stories if anybody's interested 
> off-list.)
> Even if one of them isn't as reliable as the other, it can still be 
> acceptable in farms, where some number of failed systems is acceptable.


The only thing that SuperMicro is not what you hurry to call
"commodity": http://www.supermicro.com/products/nfo/files/SAS2/SAS2_1004.pdf
— these boxes works just fine. YMMV though.


Kind regards, BM

Things, that are stupid at the beginning, rarely ends up wisely.
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