On Tue, 13 Jul 2010, Edward Ned Harvey wrote: > It is true there's no new build published in the last 3 months. But you > can't use that to assume they're killing the community.
Hmm, the community seems to think they're killing the community: http://developers.slashdot.org/story/10/07/14/1448209/OpenSolaris-Governing-Board-Closing-Shop?from=rss ZFS is great. It's pretty much the only reason we're running Solaris. But I don't have much confidence Oracle Solaris is going to be a product I'm going to want to run in the future. We barely put our ZFS stuff into production last year but quite frankly I'm already on the lookout for something to replace it. No new version of OpenSolaris (which we were about to start migrating to). No new update of Solaris 10. *Zero* information about what the hell's going on... ZFS will surely live on as the filesystem under the hood in the doubtlessly forthcoming Oracle "database appliances", and I'm sure they'll keep selling their NAS devices. But for home users? I doubt it. I was about to build a big storage box at home running OpenSolaris, I froze that project. Oracle is all about the money. Which I guess is why they're succeeding and Sun failed to the point of having to sell out to them. My home use wasn't exactly going to make them a profit, but on the other hand, the philosophy that led to my not using the product at home is a direct cause of my lack of desire to continue using it at work, and while we're not exactly a huge client we've dropped a decent penny or two in Sun's wallet over the years. Who knows, maybe Oracle will start to play ball before August 16th and the OpenSolaris Governing Board won't shut themselves down. But I wouldn't hold my breath. -- Paul B. Henson | (909) 979-6361 | http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/ Operating Systems and Network Analyst | hen...@csupomona.edu California State Polytechnic University | Pomona CA 91768 _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss