>>>>> "sl" == Sigbjørn Lie <sigbj...@nixtra.com> writes:

    sl> Excellent! I wish I would have known about these features when
    sl> I was attempting to recover my pool using 2009.06/snv111.

the OP tried the -F feature.  It doesn't work after you've lost zpool.cache:

    op> I was setting up a new systen (osol 2009.06 and updating to
    op> the lastest version of osol/dev - snv_134 - with
    op> deduplication) and then I tried to import my backup zpool, but
    op> it does not work.  

    op> # zpool import -f tank1 
    op> cannot import 'tank1': one or more devices is currently unavailable 
    op> Destroy and re-create the pool from a backup source

    op> Any other option (-F, -X, -V, -D) and any combination of them
    op> doesn't helps too.

I have been in here repeatedly warning about this incompleteness of
the feature while fanbois keep saying ``we have slog recovery so don't

R., please let us know if the 'zdb -e -bcsvL <zpool-name>' incantation
Sigbjorn suggested ends up working for you or not.

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