On Jun 2, 2010, at 02:20, Sigbjorn Lie wrote:

What the hell? I don't have a support contract for my home machines... I don't feel like this is the right way to go for an open source project...

Write a letter demanding a refund. Join the OpenSolaris Governing Board.

I'm not sure Oracle's focus is now toward the community, as it is towards recouping the billions of dollars it paid to buy Sun. There are many helpful folks on this list (both in and out of Oracle) who will try to help you, but if you absolutely need support, you need to pay for it.

And as with any open source software (even things like Samba, OpenLDAP, etc.) there is no guarantee of support, just mailing lists and volunteers who do for their own reasons. OpenSolaris without a contract is the exact same way: there's no guarantees. If you want support with your distribution, pay Red Hat or SuSE; if you want it with OpenLDAP, pay someone like Symas; with OpenSolaris, pay Oracle.

Personally I've run into a lot of crappy documentation on Linux and GNU, and had to turn to online search and trail and error. OpenSolaris has comparatively much better documentation.

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