On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Miles Nordin <car...@ivy.net> wrote:

> >>>>> "tc" == Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> writes:
>    tc> I'm betting its more the fact that zfs-discuss is not
> Firstly, there's no need for you to respond on anyone's behalf,
> especially not by ``betting.''
I'm not betting, I know.  It's called being polite and leaving the door open
for him to speak his own mind if he so chooses.

> Secondly, fishworks does run ZFS, and I for one am interested in what
> works and what doesn't.

So does nexenta.  So does green-bytes.  So does milax.  So does belenix.  So
does freebsd.  Fortunately this isn't nexenta-enterprise-support, or
green-bytes-enterprise-support, this is zfs-discuss.  We're here to talk
about zfs as it's implemented in opensolaris.  NOT fishworks or any other

>    tc> I don't see Adam and co.  posting to this list announcing new
>    tc> features or code releases
> I don't recall whether he does or not, but I do recall reading about
> fishworks here and not regarding it OT.
Mentioning fishworks in passing is a far cry from turning this into a forum
to discuss the implementations of solaris components in a closed appliance.

>    tc> Nobody is stopping you from making a blog talking about
> Yup, and if this forum's not a neutral one, I'll not be the only one
> who stops wasting his time on it and goes looking for another.  But,
> so far, notwithstanding your efforts, it is neutral, and there's no
> need for me to do that.
This forum being neutral has absolutely nothing to do with the specifics of
Oracle's closed appliances.  People keeping the discussion on-topic by
telling you/whoever this isn't the proper place to discuss those closed
appliances also has nothing to do with this forum being neutral.

If you want to debate the pro's and con's of fishworks, you're free to do
so, but this isn't the proper place to do it.  Start your own forum.  Start
a blog.  Call up your local sales rep and ask to speak to an engineer.
 You've got all sorts of avenues to have the discussion, but this isn't one
of them.

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