>>>>> "tc" == Tim Cook <t...@cook.ms> writes:

    tc> I'm betting its more the fact that zfs-discuss is not

Firstly, there's no need for you to respond on anyone's behalf,
especially not by ``betting.''

Secondly, fishworks does run ZFS, and I for one am interested in what
works and what doesn't.

    tc> I don't see Adam and co.  posting to this list announcing new
    tc> features or code releases

I don't recall whether he does or not, but I do recall reading about
fishworks here and not regarding it OT.

    tc> Nobody is stopping you from making a blog talking about

Yup, and if this forum's not a neutral one, I'll not be the only one
who stops wasting his time on it and goes looking for another.  But,
so far, notwithstanding your efforts, it is neutral, and there's no
need for me to do that.

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