Responses inline : 

> Hi Matt
> Are the seeing low speeds on writes only or on both
> read AND write?
Lows speeds both reading and writing.

> Are you seeing low speed just with iSCSI or also with
> NFS or CIFS?

Haven't gotten NFS or CIFS to work properly.  Maybe I'm just too dumb to figure 
it out, but I'm ending up with permissions errors that don't let me do much.  
All testing so far has been with iSCSI.
> To check, do this:
>   # svcs -a | grep iscsi
> If 'svc:/system/iscsitgt:default' is online,
> you are using the old & mature 'user mode' iscsi
> target.
> If 'svc:/network/iscsi/target:default' is online,
> then you are using the new 'kernel mode' comstar
> iscsi target.

It shows that I'm using the COMSTAR target.

> For another good way to monitor disk i/o, try:
>   # iostat -xndz 1

Here's IOStat while doing writes : 

r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
    1.0  256.9    3.0 2242.9  0.3  0.1    1.3    0.5  11  12 c0t0d0
    0.0  253.9    0.0 2242.9  0.3  0.1    1.0    0.4  10  11 c0t1d0
    1.0  253.9    2.5 2234.4  0.2  0.1    0.9    0.4   9  11 c1t0d0
    1.0  258.9    2.5 2228.9  0.3  0.1    1.3    0.5  12  13 c1t1d0

This shows about a 10-12% utilization of my gigabit network, as reported by 
Task Manager in Windows 7.

Here's IOStat when doing reads : 

                  extended device statistics              
    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
  554.1    0.0 11256.8    0.0  3.8  0.7    6.8    1.3  68  70 c0t0d0
  749.1    0.0 11003.7    0.0  2.8  0.5    3.8    0.7  51  54 c0t1d0
  742.1    0.0 11333.4    0.0  2.9  0.5    3.9    0.7  51  49 c1t0d0
  736.1    0.0 11045.9    0.0  2.8  0.5    3.8    0.7  53  53 c1t1d0

Which gives me about 30% utilization.

Another copy to the SAN yielded this result : 

                 extended device statistics              
    r/s    w/s   kr/s   kw/s wait actv wsvc_t asvc_t  %w  %b device
   15.1  314.2  883.9 4106.2  0.9  0.3    2.9    0.9  28  30 c0t0d0
   15.1  321.2  854.3 4106.2  0.9  0.3    2.7    0.8  26  26 c0t1d0
   28.1  315.2  916.5 4101.2  0.8  0.2    2.2    0.7  22  25 c1t0d0
   14.1  316.2  895.4 4097.2  0.9  0.3    2.7    0.8  26  27 c1t1d0

Which looks like writes held up at nearly 30% (doing multiple streams of data). 
 Still not gigabit, but getting better.  It also seems to be very hit-or-miss.  
It'll sustain 10-12% gigabit for a few minutes, have a little dip, jump up to 
15% for a while, then back to 10%, then up to 20%, then up to 30%, then back 
down.  I can't really make heads or tails of it.

> Don't just assume that your Ethernet & IP & TCP
> layer
> are performing to the optimum - check it.
> I often use 'iperf' or 'netperf' to do this:
> (Iperf is available by installing the SUNWiperf
> package.
> A package for netperf is in the contrib repository.)

I'll look in to this, I don't have either installed right now.

> The last time I checked, the default values used
> in the OpenSolaris TCP stack are not optimum
> for Gigabit speed, and need to be adjusted.
> Here is some advice, I found with Google, but
> there are others:
> ttp://
> eeds-for-iscsi-and-nfs-over-1gb-ethernet
> BTW, what sort of network card are you using,
> as this can make a difference.

Current NIC is an integrated NIC on an Abit Fatality motherboard.  Just your 
generic fare gigabit network card.  I can't imagine that it would be holding me 
back that much though.
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