> One question though:
> Just this one SAS adaptor? Are you connecting to the
> drive
> backplane with one cable for the 4 internal SAS
> connectors?
> Are you using SAS or SATA drives? Will you be filling
> up 24
> slots with 2 TByte drives, and are you sure you won't
> be 
> oversubscribed with just 4x SAS? And SSD, which
> drives are you 
> using and in which mounts (internal or external
> caddies)?
I'm just going to use the single 4x SAS.  1200MB/sec should be a great plenty 
for 24 drives total.  I'm going to be mounting 2x SSD for ZIL and 2x SSD for 
ARC, then 20-2TB drives.  I'm guessing that with a random I/O workload, I'll 
never hit the 1200MB/sec peak that the 4x SAS can sustain.

Also - for the ZIL I will be using 2x 32GB Intel X25-E SLC drives, and for the 
ARC I'll be using 2x 160GB Intel X25M MLC drives.  I'm hoping that the cache 
will allow me to saturate gigabit and eventually infiniband.
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