The way I do IT, very much inline with Ian approach.

I wouldn't care too much about SW RAID or HW RAID, but only because I use a 
layer of real "application aware" storage tier to interface with the 
specific applications. [they pay other folks to do the RAID layer]

But this approach is clearly out of your open budgets I guess. So I dunno if 
this is something you should be thinking about. [before really knowing which 
app needs what, otherwise this can be counter-effective, no joke]


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Collins" <>
To: "Orvar Korvar" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS vs ZFS + HW raid? Which is best?

> Orvar Korvar wrote:
>> Oh, thanx for your very informative answer. Ive added a link to your 
>> information in this thread:
>> But... Sorry, but I wrote wrong. I meant "I will not recommend against HW 
>> raid + ZFS anymore" instead of "... recommend against HW raid".
>> The windows people's question is:
>> which is better?
>> 1. HW raid + ZFS
>> 2. ZFS
>> Ive told them that ZFS prefers to NOT have HW raid. But they ask me why 
>> they shouldnt use ZFS + HW raid and why they should only use ZFS.
>> They are using ZFS no matter what. The question is, is ZFS that good, 
>> that HW raid can be omitted? Does HW raid + ZFS give any gains, compared 
>> to only ZFS?
>> It seems that I have to recommend them to keep their HW raid when they 
>> try out ZFS? Ive gotten them interested in ZFS, enough to try it out. It 
>> was a lengthy discussion that took much time and patience.
> As you can see, there isn't a straight answer because there are so many
> possibilities.
> One golden rule that might help:  Always let ZFS handle the top level
> redundancy so it can correct errors.
> Whether you export JBODs from a SAN and build a raidz or export RAID5
> LUNs and build a ZFS mirror what matters is ZFS has redundancy.
> -- 
> Ian.
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