Oh, thanx for your very informative answer. Ive added a link to your 
information in this thread:

But... Sorry, but I wrote wrong. I meant "I will not recommend against HW raid 
+ ZFS anymore" instead of "... recommend against HW raid".

The windows people's question is:
which is better?
1. HW raid + ZFS
2. ZFS

Ive told them that ZFS prefers to NOT have HW raid. But they ask me why they 
shouldnt use ZFS + HW raid and why they should only use ZFS.

They are using ZFS no matter what. The question is, is ZFS that good, that HW 
raid can be omitted? Does HW raid + ZFS give any gains, compared to only ZFS?

It seems that I have to recommend them to keep their HW raid when they try out 
ZFS? Ive gotten them interested in ZFS, enough to try it out. It was a lengthy 
discussion that took much time and patience.
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