I happen to have some 3510, 3511 on SAN, and older 3310 direct-attach arrays 
around here.

Also some newer 2540 arrays.

Our preferred setup for the past year or so, is 2 arrays available to the 
>From each array make 2 LUNS available.  Take these LUNs on the server and
ZFS them as RAID-10.

The implication of this is the the existing hardware RAID was leveraged for it's
buffering and it's smarts in hot-sparing failed drives to the right LUN.  Do 
you really
want a drive in a 2nd chassis being a hot spare to drives in another chassis?
Until ZFS gives a clean way to designate hot-spares go only with this group of
disks and not others you have a dependency problem.  How big of a deal this
is arguable.  As is for example our preference to "waste" 2 arrays in this 
to gain the redundancy that an entire drive chassis can fail without 
interrupting ops.

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