>>>>> "t" == Tim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "ic" == Ian Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "mp" == Mattias Pantzare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

     t> My point is you're not looking at the bigger picture.

And you're not hearing this:

 * 100KByte/s

 * sudden slowdown 30x after 12 hours

 * no memory pressure in vmstat or top

I'm not so interested in knowing what's for sale on newegg this month.
If you've experience with ZFS systems with limited ARC space taking
minutes to respond to keypresses and after 12 hours of ``normal''
albeit expectedly slow performance, suddenly slowing down 30x to
slower-than-DSL write speeds and minutes to respond to a keypress, and
the problems were fixed by adding memory or changing to more
fashionable disk interfaces, please share them because it would be new
to me, and would need some explaining, too.

    mp> My symptom was that zpool scrub made the computer go slower
    mp> and slower and finally just stop. But this was a long time ago
    mp> so this might not be a problem today.

I experienced that, too, on 1GB RAM SPARC system.  so maybe I lied by
saying ``new to me'' though it was fixed by upgrading not adding more
RAM.  Maybe this problem was 6355416.

Ray, you might see if it's similar to Karl's bug by repeating Karl's
test: run the same setup without gzip and see if that makes it work
fine for days with no sudden slowdown.  That should eliminate bugs in
the PATA and network drivers, too.  Or have you already tried that,
and I'm not listening either?

    ic> What did you expect?  A 3GHz Opteron core takes about a
    ic> minutes to attempt to compress a 1GB .mkv file.  So your P3
    ic> would probably take between 5 and 10 minutes.

10min for 1GB is 1.6MByte/s, 16x faster than what he's seeing.  You're
in the ballpark for his ``working properly'' figures---1.6MByte/s and
3Mbyte/s are similar---but you still haven't explained the slowdown to

Is gzip really 30x slower with uncompressable data?  Is -9 making it
behave pathologically on uncompressable data?  Neither has been my
experience with userspace gzip---in fact, in the quick test I just
did, 'gzip -9' is *faster* than 'gzip' with /dev/urandom data (but
slower with compressable data).

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