Okay, after doing some testing, it appears that the issue is on the ZFS side. I fiddled around a while with options on the areca card, and never got any better performance results than my first test. So, my best out of the raidz2 is 42 mb/s write and 43 mb/s read. I also tried turning off crc's (not how I'd run production, but for testing), and got no performance gain.
After fiddling with options, I destroyed my zfs & zpool, and tried some single-drive bits. I simply used newfs to create filesystems on single drives, mounted them, and ran some single-drive bonnie++ tests. On a single drive, I got 50 mb/sec write & 70 mb/sec read. I also tested two benchmarks on two drives simultaneously, and on each of the tests, the result dropped by about 2mb/sec, so I got a combined 96 mb/sec write & 136 mb/sec read with two separate UFS filesystems on two separate disks. So.... next steps? --ross -- This message posted from opensolaris.org _______________________________________________ zfs-discuss mailing list zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/zfs-discuss