On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Ross Becker wrote:
> I configured up an 11 drive RAID6 set + 1 hot spare on the Areca 
> controller put a ZFS on that raid volume, and ran bonnie++ against 
> it (16g size), and achieved 150 mb/s write, & 200 mb/s read.  I then 
> blew that away, configured the Areca to present JBOD, and configured 
> ZFS with RAIDZ2 11 disks, and a hot spare.  Running bonnie++ against 
> that, it achieved 40 mb/sec read and 40 mb/sec write.  I wasn't 
> expecting RAIDZ to outrun the controller-based RAID, but I wasn't 
> expecting 1/3rd to 1/4 the performance.  I've looked at the ZFS

Terrible!  Have you tested the I/O performance of each drive to make 
sure that they are all performing ok?

If the individual drives are found to be performing ok with your JBOD 
setup, then I would suspect a device driver, card slot, or card 
firmware performance problem.  If RAID6 is done by the RAID card then 
backplane I/O to the card is not very high.  If raidz2 is used, then 
the I/O to the card is much higher.  With a properly behaving device 
driver and card, it is quite likely that ZFS raidz2 will outperform 
the on-card RAID6.

You might try disabling the card's NVRAM to see if that makes a 

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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