On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:29 PM, Miles Nordin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "t" == Tim  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     t>
> http://www.supermicro.com/products/accessories/addon/AOC-USASLP-L8i.cfm
> I'm not sure.  A different thing is wrong with it depending on what
> driver attaches to it.  I can't tell for sure because this page:
>  http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Hardware/sas.html
> says the LSI SAS 3800 series uses a 1068E chip, and James says (1)
> 1068E is supported by mpt, (2) LSI SAS 3800 uses mega_sas.  so, I
> don't know which for that card, which means I don't know which for
> this card.
> If it's mpt:
>  * does not come with source according to:
>   http://www.openbsd.org/papers/opencon06-drivers/mgp00024.html
>   http://www.opensolaris.org/os/about/no_source/
> If it's mega_sas:
>  * does not come with source
>  * driver is new and unproven.  We believed the Marvell driver was
>   good for the first few months too, the same amount of experience we
>   have with mega_sas.
>  * not sure if it's available in stable solaris.

Someone's already gotten it working, if they're watching I'm sure they'll
pipe up on what driver it uses.

> In either case:
>  * may require expensive cables

Nope, cables are standardized.  I'm not sure what your definition of
"expensive" is but I believe they were roughly 15$ for a SAS>>4sata ports.

> Uncertain problems:
>  * might not support hotplug
>  * might not support NCQ
>  * probably doesn't support port multipliers
>  * probably doesn't support smartctl
>  * none of these features can be fixed by the community without
>   source.  all are available with cheaper cards on Linux, and on
>   Linux both mptsas and megaraid_sas come with source as far as I can
>   tell maintained by dell and lsi, though might not support the above
>   features.

I know it supports hotplug and NCQ.  Can't say smartctl was ever on my list
of important features so I haven't bothered to research if it does.  I'm
also not sure what good port multipliers are going to do you in this
instance... the cables it uses already support 4 SATA drives per physical
card port.
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