Jim Klimov wrote:
> Ok, thank you Nils, Wade for the concise replies.
> After much reading I agree that the ZFS-development queued features do 
> deserve a higher ranking on the priority list (pool-shrinking/disk-removal 
> and user/group quotas would be my favourites), so probably the deduplication 
> tool I'd need would, indeed, probably be some community-contributed script 
> which does many hash-checks in zone-root file systems and does what Nils 
> described to calculate the most-common "template" filesystem and derive zone 
> roots as minimal changes to it.
> Does anybody with a wider awareness know of such readily-available scripts on 
> some blog? :)
> Does some script-usable ZFS API (if any) provide for fetching block/file 
> hashes (checksums) stored in the filesystem itself? In fact, am I wrong to 
> expect file-checksums to be readily available?

Yes.  Files are not checksummed, blocks are checksummed.
 -- richard

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