Just my 2c: Is it possible to do an "offline" dedup, kind of like snapshotting?

What I mean in practice, is: we make many Solaris full-root zones. They share a 
lot of data as complete files. This is kind of easy to save space - make one 
zone as a template, snapshot/clone its dataset, make new zones.

However, as projects evolve (software installed, etc.) these zones are filled 
with many similar files, many of which are duplicates.

It seems reasonable to make some dedup process which would create a 
least-common-denominator snapshot for all the datasets involved (zone roots), 
of which all other datasets' current data are to be dubbed "clones with 
modified data". 

For the system (and user) it should be perceived just the same as these 
datasets are currently "clones with modified data" of the original template 
zone-root dataset. Only the "template" becomes different...

Hope this idea makes sense, and perhaps makes its way into code sometime :)
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