Paul B. Henson wrote:
> I asked a while back if there was any utility function to evaluate a ZFS
> ACL, I didn't get much of a response and was unable to find anything, so
> decided to implement my own C code.
> It appears the acl_get() function is a convenient way to read the ACL;
> however, I don't see an efficient way to parse the data structure returned.
> The function returns an "acl_t *", which is defined in <sys/acl.h> as
> "typedef struct acl_info acl_t;"
> The acl_info struct does not appear to be defined in any header files
> shipped with Solaris 10. Browsing the opensolaris code base, I found the
> definition in <sys/acl_impl.h> to be:
> struct acl_info {
>      acl_type_t acl_type;             /* style of acl */
>      int acl_cnt;                     /* number of acl entries */
>      int acl_entry_size;              /* sizeof acl entry */
>      int acl_flags;                   /* special flags about acl */
>      void *acl_aclp;                  /* the acl */
> };
> Is the acl_t intentionally designed to be opaque?

Yes, its meant to be opaque.

The layout of the acl_t will likely change in the not too distant future.

> can do with it is pass it to acltotext(), which will return a text string
> describing the ACL.
> It doesn't seem particularly efficient to pass a C structure to a function
> that converts it to a string, and then use C code to parse the text string.
> I would prefer to directly access the acl_info structure.

There are a number of private interfaces in libsec to retrieve stuff out 
of the ACL, but they aren't documented interfaces, such as acl_data() 
which will return you the pointer to the array of ace_t's and acl_cnt() 
that will return you the number of ACEs in the array.  With those two 
interfaces you can then easily iterate over the ACL.

> So either I use the raw underlying system call, which is less than
> desirable, or I use acl_get() but have to perform text parsing, which is
> less than desirable.
> I think I'm inclined to simply copy the data structure definition from
> <sys/acl_impl.h> into my code so I can access the acl_t directly, which
> probably isn't recommended and will no doubt break if the internal
> implementation changes; but it seems the effort to fix it when it breaks
> would be less than either the effort to use the underlying system call or
> the effort to parse the text.
> Unless I'm missing something? Thanks for any feedback...

We are currently investigating adding more functionality to libsec to 
provide many of the things you desire.  We will have iterators, editing 
capabilities and so on.


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