Hello Robert,

Friday, May 16, 2008, 3:04:48 PM, you wrote:

RM> Hello James,

>>> 2) Does anyone have experiance with the 2540?

JCM>> Kinda. I worked on adding MPxIO support to the mpt driver so
JCM>> we could support the SAS version of this unit - the ST2530.

JCM>> What sort of experience are you after? I'ver never used one
JCM>> of these boxes in production - only ever for benchmarking and
JCM>> bugfixing :-) I think Robert Milkowski might have one or two
JCM>> of them, however.

RM> Yeah, I do have several of them (both 2530 and 2540).

RM> 2530 (SAS) - cables tend to pop-out sometimes when you are around
RM> servers... then MPxIO does not work properly if you just hot-unplug
RM> and hot-replug the sas cable... there is still 2TB LUN size limit
RM> IIRC... other than that generally it is a good value

RM> 2540 (FC) - 2TB LUN size limit IIRC, other than that it is a good
RM> value array

+ on both arrays you need to make sure that you tweak the array to
ignore scsi cache flushes or tweak zfs to not to send them.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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