> can you guess? wrote:
> >   
> >> There aren't free alternatives in linux or freebsd
> >> that do what zfs does, period.
> >>     
> >
> > No one said that there were:  the real issue is
> that there's not much reason to care, since the
> available solutions don't need to be *identical* to
> offer *comparable* value (i.e., they each have
> different strengths and weaknesses and the net result
> yields no clear winner - much as some of you would
> like to believe otherwise).
> >
> >   
> I see you carefully snipped "You would think the fact
> zfs was ported to
> freebsd so quickly would've been a good first
> indicator that the
> functionality wasn't already there."  A point you
> appear keen to avoid
> discussing.

Hmmm - do I detect yet another psychic-in-training here?  Simply ignoring 
something that one considers irrelevant does not necessarily imply any active 
desire to *avoid* discussing it.

I suspect that whoever ported ZFS to FreeBSD was a fairly uncritical enthusiast 
just as so many here appear to be (and I'll observe once again that it's very 
easy to be one, because ZFS does sound impressive until you really begin 
looking at it closely).  Not to mention the fact that open-source operating 
systems often gather optional features more just because they can than because 
they necessarily offer significant value:  all it takes is one individual who 
(for whatever reason) feels like doing the work.

Linux, for example, is up to its ears in file systems, all of which someone 
presumably felt it worthwhile to introduce there.  Perhaps FreeBSD proponents 
saw an opportunity to narrow the gap in this area (especially since 
incorporating ZFS into Linux appears to have licensing obstacles).

In any event, the subject under discussion here is not popularity but utility - 
*quantifiable* utility - and hence the porting of ZFS to FreeBSD is not 
directly relevant.

- bill
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