On Tue, 4 Dec 2007, Stefano Spinucci wrote:

>>> On 11/7/07, can you guess?
>>> wrote:
>> However, ZFS is not the *only* open-source approach
>> which may allow that to happen, so the real question
>> becomes just how it compares with equally inexpensive
>> current and potential alternatives (and that would
>> make for an interesting discussion that I'm not sure
>> I have time to initiate tonight).
>> - bill
> Hi bill, only a question:
> I'm an ex linux user migrated to solaris for zfs and its checksumming; you 
> say there are other open-source alternatives but, for a linux end user, I'm 
> aware only of Oracle btrfs (http://oss.oracle.com/projects/btrfs/), who is a 
> Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem not in a final state.
> what *real* alternatives are you referring to???
> if I missed something tell me, and I'll happily stay with linux with my data 
> checksummed and snapshotted.
> bye
> ---
> Stefano Spinucci
Hi Stefano,

Did you get a *real* answer to your question?
Do you think that this (quoted) message is a *real* answer?

-------- can you guess? -----------

Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 22:19:54 PST
From: can you guess? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: zfs-discuss@opensolaris.org
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] Yager on ZFS
List-Id: <zfs-discuss.opensolaris.org>

> > > On 11/7/07, can you guess?
> > > wrote:
> > However, ZFS is not the *only* open-source
> approach
> > which may allow that to happen, so the real
> question
> > becomes just how it compares with equally
> inexpensive
> > current and potential alternatives (and that would
> > make for an interesting discussion that I'm not
> sure
> > I have time to initiate tonight).
> > 
> > - bill
> Hi bill, only a question:
> I'm an ex linux user migrated to solaris for zfs and
> its checksumming;

So the question is:  do you really need that feature (please quantify that need 
if you think you do), or do you just like it because it makes you feel all warm 
and safe?

Warm and safe is definitely a nice feeling, of course, but out in the real 
world of corporate purchasing it's just one feature out of many 'nice to haves' 
- and not necessarily the most important.  In particular, if the *actual* risk 
reduction turns out to be relatively minor, that nice 'feeling' doesn't carry 
all that much weight.

  you say there are other open-source
> alternatives but, for a linux end user, I'm aware
> only of Oracle btrfs
> (http://oss.oracle.com/projects/btrfs/), who is a
> Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem not in a final
> state.
> what *real* alternatives are you referring to???

As I said in the post to which you responded, I consider ZFS's ease of 
management to be more important (given that even in high-end installations 
storage management costs dwarf storage equipment costs) than its real but 
relatively marginal reliability edge, and that's the context in which I made my 
comment about alternatives (though even there if ZFS continues to require 
definition of mirror pairs and parity groups for redundancy that reduces its 
ease-of-management edge, as does its limitation to a single host system in 
terms of ease-of-scaling).

Specifically, features like snapshots, disk scrubbing (to improve reliability 
by dramatically reducing the likelihood of encountering an unreadable sector 
during a RAID rebuild), and software RAID (to reduce hardware costs) have been 
available for some time in Linux and FreeBSD, and canned management aids would 
not be difficult to develop if they don't exist already.  The dreaded 'write 
hole' in software RAID is a relatively minor exposure (since it only 
compromises data if a system crash or UPS failure - both rare events in an 
enterprise setting - sneaks in between a data write and the corresponding 
parity update and then, before the array has restored parity consistency in the 
background, a disk dies) - and that exposure can be reduced to seconds by a 
minuscule amount of NVRAM that remembers which writes were active (or to zero 
with somewhat more NVRAM to remember the updates themselves in an inexpensive 
hardware solution).

The real question is usually what level of risk an enterprise storage user is 
willing to tolerate.  At the paranoid end of the scale reside the users who 
will accept nothing less than z-series or Tandem-/Stratus-style end-to-end 
hardware checking from the processor traces on out - which rules out most 
environments that ZFS runs in (unless Sun's N-series telco products might fill 
the bill:  I'm not very familiar with them).  And once you get down into users 
of commodity processors, the risk level of using stable and robust file systems 
that lack ZFS's additional integrity checks is comparable to the risk inherent 
in the rest of the system (at least if the systems are carefully constructed, 
which should be a given in an enterprise setting) - so other open-source 
solutions are definitely in play there.

All things being equal, of course users would opt for even marginally higher 
reliability - but all things are never equal.  If using ZFS would require 
changing platforms or changing code, that's almost certainly a show-stopper for 
enterprise users.  If using ZFS would compromise performance or require changes 
in management practices (e.g., to accommodate file-system-level quotas), those 
are at least significant impediments.  In other words, ZFS has its pluses and 
minuses just as other open-source file systems do, and they *all* have the 
potential to start edging out expensive proprietary solutions in *some* 
applications (and in fact have already started to do so).

When we move from 'current' to 'potential' alternatives, the scope for 
competition widens.  Because it's certainly possible to create a file system 
that has all of ZFS's added reliability but runs faster, scales better, 
incorporates additional useful features, and is easier to manage.  That 
discussion is the one that would take a lot of time to delve into adequately 
(and might be considered off topic for this forum - which is why I've tried to 
concentrate here on improvements that ZFS could actually incorporate without 
turning it upside down).

- bill

This message posted from opensolaris.org
zfs-discuss mailing list

-------- end of can you guess? -----------

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Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc, Plano, TX.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            Voice: 972.379.2133 Fax: 972.379.2134  Timezone: US CDT
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