> can you guess? wrote:
> >> at the moment only ZFS can give this assurance,
> plus
> >> the ability to
> >> self correct detected
> >> errors.
> >>     
> >
> > You clearly aren't very familiar with WAFL (which
> can do the same).
> >
> >   


 so far as I can tell it's quite
> irrelevant to me at home; I 
> can't afford it.

Neither can I - but the poster above was (however irrelevantly) talking about 
ZFS's supposedly unique features for *businesses*, so I answered in that 

(By the way, something has gone West with my email and I'm temporarily unable 
to send the response I wrote to your message night before last.  If you meant 
to copy it here as well, just do so and I'll respond to it here.)

- bill
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