On 16-Nov-07, at 4:36 AM, Anton B. Rang wrote:

> This is clearly off-topic :-) but perhaps worth correcting --
>> Long-time MAC users must be getting used to having their entire world
>> disrupted and having to re-buy all their software. This is at  
>> least the
>> second complete flag-day (no forward or backwards compatibility)  
>> change
>> they've been through.
> Actually, no; a fair number of Macintosh applications written in  
> 1984, for the original Macintosh, still run on machines/OSes  
> shipped in 2006. Apple provided processor compatibility by  
> emulating the 68000 series on PowerPC, and the PowerPC on Intel;

Absolutely Anton, original poster deserves firm correction. Very  
little broke in either transition; Apple had excellent success with  
fast and reliable emulation (68K, classic runtime on OS X, PPC on  

> and OS compatibility by providing essentially a virtual machine  
> running Mac OS 9 inside Mac OS X (up through 10.4).
> Sadly, Mac OS 9 applications no longer run on Mac OS 10.5, so it's  
> true that "the world is disrupted" now for those with software  
> written prior to 2000 or so.

I will miss MPW. I wish they would release sources so we could bring  
it native to OS X.

--Toby  (Mac user since 1986 or so).

> To make this vaguely Solaris-relevant, it's impressive that SunOS  
> 4.x applications still generally run on Solaris 10, at least on  
> SPARC systems, though Sun doesn't do processor emulation. Still not  
> very ZFS-relevant. :-)
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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