On Oct 6, 2006, at 21:17, Joseph Mocker wrote:

Nicolas Williams wrote:

On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 03:30:20PM -0600, Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC wrote:

On Oct 6, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Erik Trimble wrote:

OK. So, now we're on to FV. As Nico pointed out, FV is going to need a new API. Using the VMS convention of simply creating file names with a version string afterwards is unacceptible, as it creates enormous directory pollution,

Assumption, not supported.  "Eye of the  beholder."

No, you really need an API, otherwise you have to guess when to snapshot
versions of files.

David Dyer-Bennet's post gives a hint of how this could be done without any API. Simply augment a few system calls like open(), unlink(), etc. Calls that can potentially change files. Since you can't change a file unless is open()'ed with various write flags like O_WRONLY, O_RDWR, etc, this could be an ideal place to create the version.

One could probably write a "poor man's" FV LD_PRELOAD library to do this without the filesystem's knowledge at all.

With the stackable approach, versionfs does this with compression and a number of other configurable policies see:

It wouldn't be as efficient with space as could be done at the filesystem level, but as someone said, disk is cheap.

true, but it's still finite - there's typically a notion of recycling or cleaning that is introduced such as in elephant: http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Alistair_Veitch/papers/elephant-hotos/ index.html

or certain versioning implementations that have been written around SAM-FS and it's recycler policies using the archiver.log:

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