2016-12-19 4:33 GMT+01:00 Bill Randle <bill.ran...@gmail.com>:
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 8:25 AM, Paul Barker <p...@paulbarker.me.uk> wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Dec 2016 15:46:19 +0100
>> Mirza Krak <mirza.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I have been looking in to the possibility to utilize yocto autobuilder
>>> for one of my own projects.
>>> But I am having some problems setting this up and hopefully someone
>>> here can provide some pointers.
>>> I did the "quickstart part":
>>> git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-autobuilder
>>> cd yocto-autobuilder
>>> . ./yocto-autobuilder-setup
>>> yocto-start-autobuilder both
>>> Above succeeds without any issues. But now what? :)
>>> I went to https://localhost:8010. I tried to login using the
>>> information that is in the .htpasswd file but that did not work. Where
>>> are the credentials to login setup?
>> You'll need to create the .htpasswd file yourself. I think the
>> "htpasswd" tool can do this for you, I can't remember the exact
>> commands I used to make mine though sorry.
>>> I also made an attempt to remove all un-wanted buildsets and now
>>> buildset-config contains (all other directories are removed)
>>> nightly-mender-rpi.conf  yoctoAB.conf
>>> Above is parsed correctly on start-up but build is never triggered. I
>>> probably removed to much :). Looking in to nigthly.conf it seem that
>>> is the one that trigger all other nightly builds?
>>> My fork can be found at [1].
>>> [1]. https://github.com/mirzak/yocto-autobuilder-mender-rpi
>> This looks good, you just need to setup the scheduler with something
>> like this in nightly-mender-rpi.conf:
>>     scheduler:
>>     [{'nightly-build':{'type':'Nightly','hour':23,'minute':0}}]
>> You should only need a separate nightly.conf when you want that to
>> trigger multiple builds.
>> I've recently setup an autobuilder for meta-raspberrypi which I'll be
>> publishing once I've got the last bits of setup done. If you're still
>> struggling to get the nightly triggering working let me know and I'll
>> put up the configurations I've used as a git repository.
> There is also additional helpful information on the Yocto Autobuilder
> wiki page here:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/The_Yocto_Autobuilder. Some of the
> information applies to the Yocto Project build cluster, but is still
> applicable to local autobuilders. I followed the same instructions to
> setup a local AB. Be sure to use the htpasswd command that's in the
> autobuilder git tree (in one of the bin directories, as I recall),
> rather than a native system one. The AB version defaults to the
> shorter crypto scheme that buildbot requires.

Thank you for your fast responses. Generating the htpasswd file my
self did the trick. Now I can login. The full command was (as you
suggested I used the one in autobuilder git repo under ./bin):

    ./htpasswd -b -c <path to htpasswd file> <user name> <secret password>

Forced a build of my configuration now and hoping for the best :).

Best Regards
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