
I have been looking in to the possibility to utilize yocto autobuilder
for one of my own projects.

But I am having some problems setting this up and hopefully someone
here can provide some pointers.

I did the "quickstart part":

git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto-autobuilder
cd yocto-autobuilder
. ./yocto-autobuilder-setup
yocto-start-autobuilder both

Above succeeds without any issues. But now what? :)

I went to https://localhost:8010. I tried to login using the
information that is in the .htpasswd file but that did not work. Where
are the credentials to login setup?

I also made an attempt to remove all un-wanted buildsets and now
buildset-config contains (all other directories are removed)

nightly-mender-rpi.conf  yoctoAB.conf

Above is parsed correctly on start-up but build is never triggered. I
probably removed to much :). Looking in to nigthly.conf it seem that
is the one that trigger all other nightly builds?

My fork can be found at [1].

[1]. https://github.com/mirzak/yocto-autobuilder-mender-rpi

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