Alex J Lennon <ajlennon@...> writes: > > Hi all, Autif, > > I've been working to support .NET development on Linux > over the past few days. > > There is a Visual Studio plugin, MonoTools for Visual Studio > which provides support for local and remote debugging of > .NET applications with Mono. > > This requires a remote stub to be running on the target > platform, monotools-server. > > I've created a recipe to build monotools-server, which in > turn required me to pull in Openembedded Legacy recipes > for mono-xsp and gtk-sharp. > > As it stands I'm now able to build an X enabled image for > the Raspberry Pi and remote-debug some simple Windows > Forms .NET applications within the Visual Studio IDE. > > Recipes are hosted here in 'recipes-mono' > > git@...:ciseco-eve.meta-eve.git > > If there is interest in migrating these recipes into meta-mono > and somebody will review them then I'll be pleased to make > whatever changes are needed to comply with relevant > Yocto policies. > > Best Regards, (& Happy Holidays) > > Alex > > Hello,
I stumbled on to this site and would like to know if you can tell me how to get monotools-server installed and how to run it on Raspberry Pi? I tried following the instructions at this site: and got the Visual Studio side to work but can't figure out how to get monotools-server to run on Pi. Specifically this part tripped me up: Download Servers for Linux and Mac to Run/Debug Remotely Linux: Use the openSUSE 1click from your existing Linux system: Note: After installing on Linux, launch the "MonoTool GUI Server" from the application menu to start the server. I tried clicking on the above link in Medora and it just hangs. Is your version of Monotools-server available somewhere? I would greatly appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks, Bruce _______________________________________________ yocto mailing list