On 02/01/2013 20:27, Autif Khan wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Autif Khan <autif.ml...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Alex J Lennon
>> <ajlen...@dynamicdevices.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi all, Autif,
>>> I've been working to support .NET development on Linux
>>> over the past few days.
>>> There is a Visual Studio plugin, MonoTools for Visual Studio
>>> which provides support for local and remote debugging of
>>> .NET applications with Mono.
>>> This requires a remote stub to be running on the target
>>> platform, monotools-server.
>>> I've created a recipe to build monotools-server, which in
>>> turn required me to pull in Openembedded Legacy recipes
>>> for mono-xsp and gtk-sharp.
>>> As it stands I'm now able to build an X enabled image for
>>> the Raspberry Pi and remote-debug some simple Windows
>>> Forms .NET applications within the Visual Studio IDE.
>>> Recipes are hosted here in 'recipes-mono'
>>> g...@git.assembla.com:ciseco-eve.meta-eve.git
> I could not "git clone" the repo.

Apologies. I should have given you the public r/o link.

Originally I was trying to avoid modifying meta-mono, adding .bbappends
into my own meta-eve layer instead, but since my last post to you I
found I couldn't build against the current HEAD of Yocto due to some odd
file location issues which I couldn't overlay. (i.e. it didn't seem to
be able to pick up the patches where you had them - although was fine
with an older commit of the Yocto core).

As a result I've moved the original meta-mono patches that weren't being
picked up by bitbake and merged my additions into a fork of meta-mono
which is here:


I'm coming up the curve on Git, as I migrate from mainly Subversion use.
Can I issue a "pull request" to you or some such?

> Presumably, you want to release the recipes with the MIT and/or GPLv2 
> licenses.
> If the license is different for monotools-server or mono-xsp or
> gtk-sharp, you will likely have to submit a patch for README file too.
> Even otherwise, section 4 in README needs to be updated. If you have
> any tasks left - please add them to section 10.

Will double check this. I am waiting for feedback from the
monotools-server people on their license as there's nothing explicit in
their source.

> The guidelines for the Yocto project are very similar to other FOSS
> projects including the Linux kernel. They are outlined here:
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/Contribution_Guidelines
> I used the following as a guide when I have submitted my patches in
> the past. This is for the Linux kernel, adapt as appropriate for
> meta-mono.
> http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2011/02/26/howto-create-and-submit-your-first-linux-kernel-patch/
> Please submit separate patches for each of the recipes (presumably
> there are no changes to the mono/libGDI+ recipes)
> Please add me to the "To:" recipient (I filter a lot of PATCH related
> traffic) - this should allow the emails to be caught by the filter
> instead of archiving.
> In case I do not respond within 72 hours, please email me with a
> gentle reminder :-)
> I have not had the opportunity to integrate patches just yet, please
> bear with me in case I screw up.
> Thanks again for contributing!
> PS #1: If you do not want to go thru the hassle - please email me the
> tar.gz as an attachment and I will check it in directly - a bad side
> effect of this would be that you will not get any "git" credit for
> this
> PS #2: I am still on vacation, but had a few hours - the 72 hour clock
> will start only after Monday :-)
> And finally, PS #3:
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=135229956521385&w=2
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=135119051922403&w=2
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=134858043613838&w=2
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=134791970203982&w=2
> ... many others ...
> Please refrain from top posting :-)

Happy to try if that's the etiquette here - like this?

> Autif
>>> If there is interest in migrating these recipes into meta-mono
>>> and  somebody will review them then I'll be pleased to make
>>> whatever changes are needed to comply with relevant
>>> Yocto policies.
>> Absolutely!
>> I am about to embark on a vacation returning to work on Jan 7.
>> More then - Unfortunately, I will not have time to look at this today
>> or until Jan 7.
>> Working hard - then playing hard :-)
>> I will dig into then when I return.
>> (Side note - we gave up on GTK# recipe and decided that Windows forms
>> are 'good enough' for us. This makes me glad :-)
>>> Best Regards, (& Happy Holidays)
>>> Alex

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