On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 12:10 PM, Autif Khan <autif.ml...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Alex J Lennon
> <ajlen...@dynamicdevices.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all, Autif,
>> I've been working to support .NET development on Linux
>> over the past few days.
>> There is a Visual Studio plugin, MonoTools for Visual Studio
>> which provides support for local and remote debugging of
>> .NET applications with Mono.
>> This requires a remote stub to be running on the target
>> platform, monotools-server.
>> I've created a recipe to build monotools-server, which in
>> turn required me to pull in Openembedded Legacy recipes
>> for mono-xsp and gtk-sharp.
>> As it stands I'm now able to build an X enabled image for
>> the Raspberry Pi and remote-debug some simple Windows
>> Forms .NET applications within the Visual Studio IDE.
>> Recipes are hosted here in 'recipes-mono'
>> g...@git.assembla.com:ciseco-eve.meta-eve.git

I could not "git clone" the repo.

Presumably, you want to release the recipes with the MIT and/or GPLv2 licenses.

If the license is different for monotools-server or mono-xsp or
gtk-sharp, you will likely have to submit a patch for README file too.

Even otherwise, section 4 in README needs to be updated. If you have
any tasks left - please add them to section 10.

The guidelines for the Yocto project are very similar to other FOSS
projects including the Linux kernel. They are outlined here:


I used the following as a guide when I have submitted my patches in
the past. This is for the Linux kernel, adapt as appropriate for


Please submit separate patches for each of the recipes (presumably
there are no changes to the mono/libGDI+ recipes)

Please add me to the "To:" recipient (I filter a lot of PATCH related
traffic) - this should allow the emails to be caught by the filter
instead of archiving.

In case I do not respond within 72 hours, please email me with a
gentle reminder :-)

I have not had the opportunity to integrate patches just yet, please
bear with me in case I screw up.

Thanks again for contributing!

PS #1: If you do not want to go thru the hassle - please email me the
tar.gz as an attachment and I will check it in directly - a bad side
effect of this would be that you will not get any "git" credit for

PS #2: I am still on vacation, but had a few hours - the 72 hour clock
will start only after Monday :-)

And finally, PS #3:

... many others ...

Please refrain from top posting :-)


>> If there is interest in migrating these recipes into meta-mono
>> and  somebody will review them then I'll be pleased to make
>> whatever changes are needed to comply with relevant
>> Yocto policies.
> Absolutely!
> I am about to embark on a vacation returning to work on Jan 7.
> More then - Unfortunately, I will not have time to look at this today
> or until Jan 7.
> Working hard - then playing hard :-)
> I will dig into then when I return.
> (Side note - we gave up on GTK# recipe and decided that Windows forms
> are 'good enough' for us. This makes me glad :-)
>> Best Regards, (& Happy Holidays)
>> Alex
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