On 10/9/24 13:30, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
In one way it feels unfair to be told that you will not add the feature I asked because there are a whole host of other features you won't add ...

So I would like to point to this part of your reasoning:

Why not have (1) sort by name, (2) sort by size, (3) sort by date and reverse sort for all 3 options?

(1) is what's currently implemented (with no reverse sort option hence no UI to do that).

It sounds like the way you think, is the following:  for whatever options we add, we should also have the reverse order option for the same options.

Great thought!

But then, why not add reverse sort for the option you actually have today, namely 'sort by name'?

Implementing just 'sort by name' would take us almost as much time as implementing the whole thing (implement, test, document). Therefore there is no point for us in implementing just 'sort by name'.

That would make the *current* sorting option more useful. And it would be in tune with your thinking.

And if you want to add more options than you have today, I would suggest 'sort by file type', before sort by size or date. Why? Because it blends in naturally with name sorting.

(In fact, I could be fine with replacing the current name sort with a name sort that also considers file type. Yeah, you already consider folder names to be of a different 'file type' than file names, since folders always are grouped together.)

I will not push you to add sort by size or file date. I am fine with using the file system for that.

However, since XXE has very bad interaction with the file system browser (at least on Mac, where double clicking a file never opens the file in XXE),

Only on the Mac in fact.

Ideally the first thing to do would be to solve XXE integration issues on the Mac. The problem is that we have tried to do that several times to no avail. Unfortunately it's a Java bug on the Mac which apparently the Java developers at Oracle refuse to fix (https://bugs.openjdk.org/browse/JDK-8043852).

it would be nice to have *some* enhancements (namely those I proposed) to the file browsing pane.

Agreed. We'll add the "(1) sort by name, (2) sort by size, (3) sort by date and reverse sort for all 3 options" feature to our TODO list (which is not that big, so your RFE really does not go to /dev/null).

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