On 10/4/24 20:59, Leif H Silli wrote:
RFE: Add reverse sorting to the file browser pane.

(The pane which opens when one presses Cmd+Shift+O on a Mac.)

This would be a handy enhancement, which otherwise has no sorting options.

This RFE is not difficult to implement, however we are reluctant to do that. Why just add reverse sorting to the file browser pane? Why not have (1) sort by name, (2) sort by size, (3) sort by date and reverse sort for all 3 options?

(1) is what's currently implemented (with no reverse sort option hence no UI to do that).

(2) (3) would require displaying the size and date next to the name of the file and also adding the corresponding UI, typically a "sortable", resizable, Name/Size/Date table header.

That's why we prefer to keep the file browser pane as simple as it is now.

Please remember that it's very easy to open the system's file manager (e.g. the Finder on the Mac) from XXE. Menu item "Open Containing Folder" in the attached screenshot is displayed after right-clicking the file icon of the node path bar. More info in https://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/_distrib/doc/help/nodePathTool.html

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