Hi Hussein
We use XMLMind pro and I have the following question: Is it possible to embed html code in a DITA topic so that this html code remains as html code after conversion to WebHelp? The problem I want to solve is the following: In the WebHelp output I want to insert a checkbox incl. Javascript. This checkbox is used to show or hide optional text (these are separate sections). My current workaround is that I create a placeholder (normal text) and replace this text in all html files after the conversion in a separate tool. This is time-consuming and uncool and if there was a way to embed html code directly in the DITA topic, that would be very helpful. Best regards Freundliche Grüsse aus Rothenburg Martin Schild Dipl. Ingenieur FH, Testmanager ISTQB, Quality Manager Entwicklung, Teamleiter Opacc Laboratory AG - Wahligenpark 1 - CH-6023 Rothenburg Telefon +41 41 349 51 00 - <http://www.opacc.ch> www.opacc.ch - <mailto:martinsch...@opacc.ch;> martinsch...@opacc.ch OpaccERP© | OpaccEnterpriseShop© | OpaccEnterpriseCRM© | OpaccOXAS© Gut informiert und vernetzt, folgen Sie uns. <https://www.linkedin.com/company/opacc-software-ag>
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