Den 2022-11-08 16:34 skreiv Hussein Shafie:
On 11/8/22 15:42, Leif H Silli wrote:
Den 2022-11-07 10:36 skreiv Hussein Shafie:
On 11/6/22 17:06, Leif H Silli wrote:

I would, therefore, prefer to always use the «default viewer».

Sure. We understand this.

  [ … ]

[ But ]
It thus seems that XXE lacks the option to set the default viwer to always be used. Or is there something that I have not gotten?

You are right. There is indeed something wrong in XXE when you prefer
to always use the default viewer for a given file type. More
generally, the Helper Apps feature should be more convenient to use.
We'll try to improve this feature in the next version of XXE.


Thank you for reporting this issue.

I discovered a simple workaround ... In the Helper Apps section of the Preferences, the command

    open "%U”

is (by default) defined as the «Default viewer» (strange terminology btw).

And it turns out that, for the PDF file type, if you replace

    open -W -n -a /System/Applications/ "%F"

with the «Default viewer» command

    open "%U”

then I get the behavior that I want: PDFs gets opend by your default PDF-viewer (typically the on MacOS), and you also avoid that a new instance of your default PDF-viewer is opened each time you click the fil in XXE’s Browse Files tool.

Leif Halvard Silli

XMLmind XML Editor Support List

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