On 6/22/22 15:50, nobili, philippe wrote:
Humm, I think I understand what is the problem... Thanks for your
confirmation... and advice. Details below:
Our users access to a version of XMLmind which is completely configured, with
all required addons (.e.g. the FTP virtual drive addon), including our own
In previous versions of XMLmind, we used to check the option "Install add-ons in the
XXE installation directory".... so that the add-ons will go to the appropriate
location when fetched. But it seems that this option is no more available in XMLmind
Indeed. This change makes the automatic upgrade of user-installed
add-ons after a new version of XXE is installed simpler, more reliable
and more systematic.
So instead, we installed the add-ons in some user's preference directory, and copied
them to XXE installation directory manually. This might explain why XMLMind does not
"see" the addon during document conversion (although it appears in the addons
We cannot let end users install the addons themselves, so any other solution is
welcome :-),
A simple and safe way to pre-install add-ons for your XXE users is
--manually or using a script--
1) Download the add-on from this page:
2) Unzip the ".zip" file containing the add-on in XXE_install_dir/addon/.
For example, unzipping ftp_vdrive-10_1_0.zip in XXE_install_dir/addon/
creates XXE_install_dir/addon/ftp_vdrive/.
3) Last but not least, delete directory XXE_user_preferences_dir/cache/.
(It's always safe to delete XXE_user_preferences_dir/cache/ as XXE
always automatically re-creates it.)
XXE_user_preferences_dir/ is:
* $HOME/.xxe10/ on Linux.
* $HOME/Library/Application Support/XMLmind/XMLEditor10/ on the Mac.
* %APPDATA%\XMLmind\XMLEditor10\ on Windows. Example:
This is basically what does XXE's integrated addèon manager.
Many thanks for your swift help.
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